1. School Information Systems (SIS) Advisor, Dar es Salaam
Job Summary:
USAID Tusome Pamoja is a five-year, sector support program targeting better learning outcomes (focused on reading, writing and mathematics) at pre-primary and primary early grades (standards 1 through 4), in 31 Local Government Authorities of Mainland Tanzania across four regions of Tanzania - Iringa, Morogoro, Mtwara and Ruvuma - and 11 districts of Zanzibar. The goal of the program is to achieve age-appropriate, curriculum defined levels of reading and writing at standards 2 and 4 for at least 75% of classrooms in the target areas. An additional objective of the program is to develop, implement and demonstrate best approaches to strengthen the quality of education in the target regions for replication consideration in other regions.
In support of this national activity, the Government of Tanzania, represented by the President's Office - Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) has requested long-term technical assistance (LTTA) in order to scale-up the existing national school management tool- the School Information Systems (SIS)- incorporating it into all regions in Tanzania. The nationwide utilization of SIS will support the strengthening of institutional, technical and system capacities and will provide a robust pool of school performance data which can be used to better facilitate evidence-based decision and policy making
The EMIS Specialist will be responsible for overseeing the planning and delivery of SIS related project operations and all SIS related technical activities, ensuring that project staff collaborate effectively with government counterparts. S/he will be based in Dodoma with travel to Regional Secretariats (RS) and Local Government Authorities (LGA).
2.Health Information Systems Advisor, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
RTI International is one of the world's leading research institutes. We work with governments, businesses, foundations, universities, and other clients and partners to improve the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. Our staff of more than 5,000 tackles hundreds of projects to address complex social and scientific challenges facing our clients and the people and communities they serve. Our experts hold degrees in more than 250 scientific, technical, and professional disciplines across the social and laboratory sciences, and international development fields. RTI works in more than 75 countries and maintains offices on four continents. Our dedication to innovative, objective research and technical services makes RTI an outstanding partner for clients around the world whose greatest challenges demand rigorous approaches and science-based solutions
RTI is seeking a Health Information Systems (HIS) Advisor who will support CDC Tanzania in providing technical assistance to the Tanzanian government to integrate and coordinate surveillance and programmatic data analyses to support decision-making for planning and policy needs, including cataloguing, reviewing, and tracking of health-related data available in country. The HIS Advisor will work with partners and Tanzanian Ministry of Health (MOH) counterparts to design and develop a national HIS integration framework. The framework will integrate health data from all existing, diverse data sources, and will provide a secure environment for users to extract consolidated public health data. This coordination of surveillance and programmatic data analyses will support decision-making for planning and policy needs, including cataloguing, reviewing, and tracking of health-related data available in country.
3. HIV Technical Advisor, Dar es Salaam
RTI International is one of the world's leading research institutes. We work with governments, businesses, foundations, universities, and other clients and partners to improve the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. Our staff of more than 5,000 tackles hundreds of projects to address complex social and scientific challenges facing our clients and the people and communities they serve. Our experts hold degrees in more than 250 scientific, technical, and professional disciplines across the social and laboratory sciences, and international development fields. RTI works in more than 75 countries and maintains offices on four continents. Our headquarters is located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Our dedication to innovative, objective research and technical services makes RTI an outstanding partner for clients around the world whose greatest challenges demand rigorous approaches and science-based solutions .
RTI is seeking an Infrastructure Advisor who will provide technical advice to CDC Tanzania as part of a project team, working on schemes through all stages of a project's procurement and development. The Advisor will develop knowledge of fundamental project issues for a range of sectors, but particularly social infrastructure for a CDC HIV infrastructure development project. He/she will manage projects, including financial, technical and contractual matters and compliance with internal quality procedures and directives.
4.Senior Reading Specialist, Dar es Salaam
RTI International is accepting applications from qualified candidates for the position of Senior Reading Specialist to work with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Tusome Pamoja Program (2016- 2021) in Tanzania. The 5-year program works to assist the Ministry of Education to replicate and scale up reading, writing and arithmetic improvement interventions in schools with an emphasis on curriculum and materials development for Grades 1-4 in Swahili and English. On behalf of the USAID/Tanzania, RTI works with regional, district, and ward personnel to implement reading, writing, and arithmetic reforms in four mainland regions of the country and Zanzibar, with support given to approximately 3000 public primary schools in the selected regions. Additionally, Tusome Pamoja implements activities to engage communities and parents to further the goals of improved student learning outcomes.
The Senior Reading Specialist will provide technical oversight and guidance to support improved reading instruction and learning. S/he will supervise the development and delivery of Tusome Pamoja-supported reading materials including pupil books and teachers' materials, teacher professional development in reading, and teacher classroom support and monitoring. S/he will monitor the fidelity of implementation of the activities in reading across the project regions, liaise with government representatives and stakeholder experts on technical matters, and together with the senior management of Tusome Pamoja, ensure that children in project schools achieve improved outcomes in reading.
The Senior Reading Specialist will serve as the technical counterpart for the Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) in Mainland Tanzania and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Education (MoEVT) in Zanzibar and non-ministry stakeholders in the development and adaptation of appropriate teaching and learning materials, including structured teacher materials. S/he will supervise and manage the technical inputs of project staff, subcontractors and consultants, as well as short term technical assistance. S/he will develop new and strengthen existing partnerships with education institutions that can contribute to the creation and delivery of teacher professional development.