The transformation of the Salvatorian Institute seminary oriented into Jordan University College as an open higher learning institution was based onthe following two objectives:
1. To contribute more effectively to the local church by:
Continuing preparation and formation of the candidates to the priestly and religious life;
Offering programs preparing lay people for the mission of the Church in 21st century.
2. To contribute to the local society in view of the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 by:
Offering high quality academic programmes aiming at solving problems of the society and contributing to the development of the country
JUCO intends to be a self-sustaining centre of excellence in higher education devoted to the advancement, refinement, dissemination and application of values, knowledge in order to understand and transform our world from within and in our context. African Studies and philosophical subjects inserted in every department offering BA degree underline the need to motivate, emphasise and nurture the African psychological, socio-economic and political awareness geared towards preparing selfconfident African scholars and leaders.
JUCO is devoted to create and expand opportunities for quality higher education in Tanzania and beyond by offering competitive, demand-driven and community-relevant academic and professional degree and non-degree programmes.