National Consultant - Women, Peace and Security on Prevention of Violent Extremism
Location : Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
Application Deadline : 08-Nov-17 (Midnight New York, USA)
Time left : 8d 0h 46m
Additional Category : Gender Equality
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : National Consultant
Languages Required : English
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start) 20-Nov-2017
Duration of Initial Contract : 3 Months
Expected Duration of Assignment : 3 Months
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.
In 2000, the Security Council adopted the ground-breaking resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security — the first to link women to the international peace and security agenda, calling for their engagement in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. The Security Council has passed seven additional resolutions on women, peace and security, including Security Council resolution 2242 (2015), which provides one of the most important pronouncements of the linkages between countering terrorism and violent extremism, and women, peace and security. It delivers a roadmap and issues a call to action for ensuring a gender perspective in all efforts, and that an emphasis is placed on prevention responses. It calls on Member States and the UN system to ensure the participation and leadership of women in developing strategies to counter terrorism and violent extremism, and build their capacity to do so effectively.
When reviewing the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy in 2016, Member States called on their peers, given the complex global security context today, to highlight the important role of women in countering terrorism and violent extremism as and when conducive to terrorism, and urges Member States and United Nations entities to integrate a gender analysis on the drivers of radicalization of women to terrorism into their relevant programmes, to consider, when appropriate, the impacts of counter-terrorism strategies on women’s human rights and women’s organizations and to seek greater consultations with women and women’s organizations when developing strategies to counter terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism. (A/Res/70/291)
Based on the above, UN Women Tanzania is a responsible party in the UNDP led project on “Preventing and Responding to Violent Extremism in Tanzania” which recognizes the increasing evidence that gender dimensions are crucial in the operations of violent extremist groups. The specific role of UN Women within the project encompasses, i) mainstreaming gender perspectives across efforts to prevent violent extremism; ii) building the capacity of women and their civil society groups to engage in the prevention and response efforts related to violent extremism; iii) ensuring women are adequately represented in national law enforcement and security agencies, including being part of the prevention and response frameworks; iv) investing in gender-sensitive research and data collection on women’s roles in violent extremism, including on identifying the drivers that lead women to join violent extremist groups, and v) empowering women through providing necessary skills to recognize early signs of radicalization.
Reporting to the Head of Leadership, Political Participation and Governance, the WPS, PVE Specialist is responsible the planning, implementation and reporting of UN Women’s interventions within the PVE Project. The WPS PVE Specialist works closely with the UNDP PVE team, the UN Women Women’s Leadership and Political Participation team and Operations, as well as the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Duties and Responsibilities
Technical advisory support and quality assurance on the Prevention of Violent Extremism
Establish, maintain and expand partnerships and alliances with various strategic partners from development organizations, government, and civil society organisations to ensure effective implementation and participation of women within the implementation of the PVE Project;
• Provide technical support directly or through the provision of experts to the Programme partners implementing the gender component of the PVE project, and work closely with the UNDP PVE team and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to mainstream gender within project interventions, research, planning exercises, reporting and briefings;
• Support the development/duplication, integration and application of gender sensitive tools within all Project activities;
• Identify capacity needs and strengthen capacities of government partners and other stakeholders in the areas of Women, Peace and Security and gender within the PVE efforts, as relevant to the project.
• Provide expert advice to the Project Management, UN Women and UNDP Tanzania regarding gender dimension within PVE;
Management of the Implementation and Delivery of the Project
• Ensure individual project interventions are developed based on the overall Project document contributing to the achievements of both the immediate and overall PVE Plan, and in line with UN norms and frameworks;
• Ensure overall Project and individual work plans and budgets are developed and/ or integrate gender perspectives and implementation modalities agreed upon;
• Monitor and assure quality control in the implementation of the PVE Project gender component;
• Supervise and assess work in progress to ensure compliance and delivery of high quality results and achievements of overall Project objectives. This will include financial management, provision of overall guidance and problem solving, and identifying and utilization of lessons learned and best practices to ensure consistently improved Programming;
• Ensure all required recruitments of consultants/ experts and establishment of partnerships are undertaken in a timely manner;
Monitoring and Reporting
• Ensure that Project reviews are undertaken and all reporting requirements are met in a timely manner;
• Assist with close follow up of partners and support with the preparations of reports (narrative and financial) to ensure that PVE related projects are completed and closed;
• Provide input to UN TRG on Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality on substantive content and for the development of the Annual Work Plans and Regular Reports of these Groups in the context of UNDAP implementation.
Knowledge Management and Communications
• Collect, and share best practices and lessons learned from the Project in appropriate fora for the purpose of scaling-up and replication;
• Represent UN Women in meetings and policy dialogues on related issues of focus, as delegated by the supervisor
• Liaise with HQ and Regional Office on seeking expert advice, the identification and showcasing of good practices on gender and PVE in Tanzania;
• Provide inputs in knowledge products and communication materials on issues related to gender and PVE, as appropriate.
Support Partnerships and Resource Mobilization.
• Develop and maintain effective partnerships with various stakeholders at regional, national and local levels, for delivery of the PVE Project gender component;
• Identify and follow-up on opportunities for resource mobilization for the PVE Project.
• Represent the Programme in stakeholders fora and other key partnership meetings and events and perform any other duties as may be requested by the Supervisor.
Key Performance Indicators
• Timely Work plans and reports
• Gender mainstreamed into all relevant project components, including work plans, reports, knowledge products and project interventions
• Gender sensitive tools for gender sensitive and responsive project interventions
• Appropriate Experts and Implementing Partners are in place
• Women’s participation in PVE efforts at the national and local level
• Required resources for project implementation are in place
Core Values:
• Respect for Diversity
• Integrity
• Professionalism
Core Competencies:
• Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
• Accountability
• Creative Problem Solving
• Effective Communication
• Inclusive Collaboration
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Leading by Example
Functional Competencies
• Substantive experience and record of accomplishment in the area of gender and the Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism and closely related issues;-
• Ability to conceptualize and convey strategic vision from the spectrum of development to experience;
• Ability to lead strategic planning, programme development and implementation, results-based management and reporting;
• Ability to fully assist in formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects
• Ability to formulate and manage budgets, manage contributions and investments, manage transactions, conduct financial analysis, reporting and cost control;
• Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
• Focuses on impact and result for the partners and responds positively to feedback
• Ability to develop and maintain strong partnership and resource mobilization;
• Demonstrated negotiating, cultural sensitivity and diplomatic skills;
• Well-developed people management skills;
• Provides information, tools, resources to support work achievement;
• Effectiveness-orientation and pro-activity;
• Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
Required Skills and Experience
Education and certification:
Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Law, International Development, Political Science, International Relations or other related fields.
• Minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible experience at the national or international level in design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects and establishing inter-relationships among international organization and national governments, preferably in the field of women, peace and security.
• Familiarity with the global, regional and national normative framework on women, peace and security, particularly on counterterrorism and PVE/CVE; gender analysis frameworks, and strategies for gender mainstreaming.
• Documented work experience in the area of gender equality women’s rights and the empowerment of women, preferably in relation to women, peace and security and/or gender mainstreaming in project planning and implementation.
Language Requirements:? Fluency in English and Swahili is required.
Submission of application and criteria for selection
Interested national consultant need to submit the following documentation in support of their application:
• One cover letter: Explaining why the candidate is the most suitable for the work;
• Proposed approach and envisioned work plan;
• UN Women Personal History Form (P11), which can be downloaded at http://www.unwomen.org/about-us/employment;
• The travel costs will be as per UN Standard Regulations.
• Please group all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.