PCI is a non-profit organization with a mission to empower people to enhance health, end hunger and overcome hardship. Our vision is that the most vulnerable people in the world will have the power to lift themselves out of poverty and will create vital, healthy lives for their families and communities now and in the future. In Tanzania PCI has operated a number of programs in the education, health, agriculture and community development sectors.
Project Concern International (PCI) was recently awarded a 2-year United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement (LRP), called Chakula Chetu. Chakula Chetu will provide daily school meals to 16,135 students in 16 schools located in Butiama District in the Mara Region of Tanzania, using locally purchased commodities, and will foster a network of stakeholders (market actors, schools, parents, farmers, and communities) to build sustainable capacity for a transition to locally-led school feeding.
Available vacancies
- Monitoring, Learning & Evaluation Regional Officer (FFE)
- Monitoring, Learning & Evaluation Support Officer (LRP)
Source: Daily News 30 October, 2017