Guidelines and Procedures for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Applicants June, 2017
For the purpose of these guidelines, RPL may be defined as an assessment
process of an individual’s informal or formal learning in order to determine
the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning
outcomes, competencies, or standards to make him/her eligible to apply for
admission to a specified degree programme. Under the UQF 6, the qualification
guideline provides for an RPL pathway as an alternative access point for UQF 8.
The 7th Special Meeting
of the Joint Admissions Committee held on 9th February 2012, abolished the Mature Age entry
examinations which were then replaced by RPL. TCU in its 60th meeting of the Commission
held on 14thMarch 2013
approved the guidelines for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and its
implementation started from academic year 2013/2014.
These guidelines are issued in accordance with the introduction of the
UniversityQualificationsFramework (UQF) in 2012 which requires Recognition of
Prior Learning (RPL) as an entry point to UQF8. These guidelines are for RPL in
respect to cases which were previously considered as part of the Mature Age
Entry Examination arrangements.
2. Principles
RPL is critical to the development of an open,
accessible, inclusive, integrated and relevant post-compulsory education and
training system, and is the key foundation for lifelong learning policies that
encourage individuals to participate in learning pathways that include formal,
non-formal and informal learning.
RPL will be assessed through examinations organized
along targeted programmes.
The certificate issued shall be used for purpose of
applying for admission into a relevant degree only in Tanzania Universities.
The model of RPL that is implemented must be aligned
with the outcomes, goals, and objectives of the qualification intended to be
pursued by the candidate.
RPL should recognizeapplicant’s learning regardless of
how and where it was acquired, provided that the learning is relevant to the
learning or competency outcomes in a subject, unit module, course or
qualification to be pursued by the candidate.
Admission to any university is competitive. The RPL
assessment, therefore, does not imply a guaranteed enrolment intoother
institutions that accept RPL students. The candidate may apply for admission
and competebased on the available capacity/slots using the certificate obtained
in the RPL examinations. However, one is assured of direct admission after passing RPL Exams if he/she wishes to study
in the same RPL Centre.
3. RPL eligibility.
RPL shall involve the following: -
Certificate of Primary Education
Candidates with primary education
must possess the following qualifications:
Must have completed and possess a standard seven certificates;
Must have progressed to NTA level 5;
Must have practiced the acquired knowledge for not less than five years.
Certificate of Secondary Education
Candidates with secondary
education shall possess the following qualifications:
Must have completed and possess a certificate of secondary education;
Must have attended any extramural classes;
Must have experience of not less than five years in the relevant field.
Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education
Candidates with
Advanced Certificates of Secondary Education shall possess the following
Must have completed and possess a Certificate of
Advance Certificate of Secondary Education;
Must have attended any extramural classes;
Must have experience of not less than three years in a relevant field.
Diploma Education
Candidates with Diploma Education
shall possess the following qualifications:
Must have completed a two to three years Diploma programme;
Must have experience of not less than three years in a relevant field.
Candidates with foreign certificates
Candidates with
secondary or Diploma Education shall possess the following qualifications:
Must have completed either secondary education or
diploma education outside the country;
Must have met the above-mentioned criteria as per item (ii), (iii), and
(iv) above.
4. Application requirements
Applicants for RPL examinations should produce the following documents
for evaluation before registration to the examination:
Evidence of age not below 25 years;
b) Resume/Curriculum Vitae;
c) Certificates of achievement or participation obtained
prior to applying
for RPL;
Copies of academic certificates obtained in formal studies previously undertaken;
e) Competence in both written
and spoken English; and
Other evidences as may be applicable including the following documents:
Performance appraisals/review by the employer, for those employed;
Job/Position Description for those employed;
iii) Evidence of any community work;
Community/ office/industry awards;
Completed work products;
Magazine/newspaper articles about work; and
vii)Outlines of courses undertaken;
viii) Supervisor’s reports.
5. Application procedures
The Commission shall advertise programmes whose
admission may include RPL candidates each academic year.
Candidates shall be required to apply for RPL
examination through the Central Admission System (CAS) each academic year once
advertised by the Commission.
Candidates who meet the minimum requirements as
stipulated in Section 4 above shall be given an examination card attached with
candidate’ photo and be required to appear for examination at an approved
examination center.
The approved centers for coordination of RPL
examinations 2017/18 academic year are shown on Table 1.
Table 1 - RPL centers with their discipline.
RPL Exam
Open University of Tanzania
Education, Laws, Information
Technology (ICT) and Social Sciences.
University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo).
Journalism and Mass
Sokoine University of
Agriculture General, Horticulture,
Human Nutrition, Forestry, Veterinary Medicine, and Wildlife.
Mzumbe University (MU).
Accounting, Management, and
Tumaini University
Music, Divinity/Theology
Registration, Examination
and Application fee.
Mode of Payment
a.) Applicants
shall pay One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Tanzanian Shillings (Tshs.
150,000/-) for registration and
examination as follows: -
Fifty Thousand Tanzanian shillings (Tsh. 50, 000/-) shall be paid
through TCU Bank A/C No. 01J1026795702 CRDB Bank tocover
for registration and administration costs;
One Hundred Thousand
Tanzanian Shillings (TSh.100,
000/-) shall be
paid directly to the RPL centers
to cover for the RPL examination costs.
b.) After paying application fee, RPL applicants are required to submit to
TCU a paying slip through e-mail or submit hardcopy direct to TCU premises.
Applicants MUST ensure that the payment bank slips contain names of the
applicant, valid e-mail address and mobile numbers for easily communication.
c.) TCU having received the paying slips
and upon payment verification, will provide
RPLpaymentID Number through the E-mail OR Mobile
d.) RPL applicants shall use the given
Payment ID Numbers to login to the system for registration.
Online registration for RPL Examinations
b. Click ONLINE SYSTEMS link on the top menu of the TCU website then click
CASto open Central Admission System;
c. For self-registration of a
new applicant, click “RPL Registration”
link; to open window for RPL Registration Confirmation.
d. Click on New RPL Applicants Registration link to
open the Registration Form
e. Fill self-registration form
to register and click “Submit” button
to create your account;
After creating an
account, successful registration
message will
displayed. Click on the “Continue”
button to complete registration;
Click “Additional Details” link on the Registration Module,
fill in your
personal particulars and click Submit
h. Click on “set Secret” in
order tochoose secret question and answer which will be used to cover password
when forgotten.
Click “Upload Attachments”link
and thenclickthe respective Browse button to attach your personal attachments.
Upload attachments” button to submit the uploaded files.
j. To add or
edit your registration particulars click on Add/Edit information link to upgrade your profile.
You can print or save your profile in PDF format for future reference.
NOTE: Applicants should submit
to TCU premises all certified copies of the documents attached on section
6.2(i) including recentcoloured passport size photo. Applicant should make sure
that the documents submitted are marked with RPL Registration Number and field
of study.
7. Assessment for RPL
The assessment shall focus on the discipline that the
candidate wants to pursue for further learning.
The assessment tools (in terms of questions, grading,
and credits) shall be as approved by the Commission.
The minimum RPL pass mark shall be an average of grade ‘B+’ in which A= 75- 100;
B+=65-74; B=50-64; C=40-49; D=35-39; F=0-38.
The examination shall be comprised of three papers in
which paper Oneshall carry 30 marks
(English and Mathematics); paper TWOshall
carry 30 marks (General Paper) and paper THREE
(Specific discipline/field) shall carry 40 marks.
A candidate must score at least 50% from paper THREE(i.e. specific discipline) which
is 20 (50% of 40) marks and obtain other marks from other papers. Failure to
attain 50% in paper THREE (i.e. specific
discipline) will disqualify a candidate from passing the examination.
Results of RPL shall be published by the Commission and RPL Centres.
Candidates who have passed at an average of B+ grade and above shall be eligible to
apply for admission during the applicable admission cycle.
8. RPL Certificates
There shall be a certificate issued to a candidate who
has sat and passed RPL examination at an average of B+ grade.
A certificate shall be issued by an institution
approved by the Commission to issue such a certificate.
Candidates with RPL Certificatesshall be able to apply
for admission to a relevant programme in any Higher LearningInstitution that
accept RPL students in Tanzania
RPL certificate shall be valid for one year from the date it was issued in
recognition of the ability of the candidate to pursue higher education in the
specified field of study.
Tanzania Commission for Universities
P.O.Box 6562 Dar es
Tel +255 22 2772657 or +255 22 2772869
Dar es Salaam
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